Friday 29 July 2016


This is the first version of the script. It was an example of the first idea we had. The script didn't seem believable at all and the language was too novel like and we believed it would take longer than two minutes for any of the film to have meaning. We decided to think of a new storyline but wanted to keep our specific themes. 

The following is the later version of the script. The story line changed as did the names of our characters. We wanted to simplify the language and story line. The amount of dialogue was decreased in the second script as we wanted to focus on creating awkwardness and tension between the couple. And one of the major changes that influenced the whole movie was having an emotionally dominant female character. In the old script, you can see that it was Azrael (the male) who was heeding verbal abuse onto his girlfriend. In 'Half-Hearted' it is the opposite way around.

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