Sunday 8 May 2016

Preliminary Task 2 - Creative Critical Reflection

Atychiphobia - Final Cut

Creative Critical Reflection 

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1 comment:

  1. ALEXIS –

    Total: 33/50


    OVERALL: 19/30 (Level 4, AO3)

    Final Product-
    Diegetic sound comes out of left channel only. Very strange. Perhaps can be addressed in editing? Need it to be stereo. Have a look.
    Remember the “Saboteur” shot and first PoV shot that needed to be shakier. Why wasn’t she noticeable? Remember, the eye is drawn to the lightest points on the screen. Plan for this type of thing in your filming; what adjustments might you make to the lighting that could direct the audience’s focus where you want it?
    Very cool mask overlay for bathroom sequence. The moment when she whips her head up for the reveal needed some work to get the shot as you had envisioned it; as is, we can see what you were going for but feels like you settled for what you got. How can you plan for this for next time?
    Not sure about the font at the end – more Horror than Thriller, to me.


    OVERALL: 5/10 (Level 3, AO4)

    First, I had to go to the group blog to even FIND entries on this that MAY have been from you. I am assuming that anything I did not find on Brooke’s page is stuff you took care of. Get it on your personal blog as evidence of process.
    Many of the thoughts you wanted to get across from your costume / makeup section did not seem to translate in the final product. How could you have gotten that across? Still, I think clear thought has gone into what you were going for, and much of it will have been passively interpreted by an audience.
    What changes and revisions did you make during the planning process? Having all versions of your planning available is vital; it documents the process you went through to make the final product into what it is.

    Group blog-
    Unclear what elements were completed by who. Put your name in the titles of entries composed by you (see group blog entries from 2015).


    OVERALL: 9/10 (Level 5, AO2)

    Good that you named your intended conventions! I recommend this in the Concept / planning stage as well.
    Good attention to ways you improved and specific examples of revision process. Beautifully answered.
    Comprehensive response. Colour me impressed.
    The final product does not always reflect the thought you’ve put into this. How can you plan for that in your next project?

    - T. Marcus
