Thursday 21 July 2016

Contribution to the Concept:

Title: There was a huge verbal brainstorm as we searched for titles for our film. We wanted to find something that related to the cold nature of the relationship between our two main characters. We also wanted a title that related in some way to love or lack of love. Other words that came up included: Irresolution, Doubt, Two-Faced, Unfaithful

Half-Hearted seemed the most appropriate because it would cover many of the themes our movie would incorporate as a whole. Neither Madalene nor Kieran loved the other whole-heartedly as one of them always seemed to be putting the other down. For Madalene, power was exerted through emotional abuse while Kieran, though made out to be weak, eventually exerts his power through physical action and it shows in his mental state. The word half-hearted means having or showing little enthusiasm. We want to create a tense atmosphere in our film that shows neither party is really fully into the relationship.

  • Weapon: Our weapon of choice is a knife. Knifes represent danger and uncertainty and in our case it will also represent a certain ‘cut’ between sane and insane of our main character, Michael.
  • Close up shots: Used for showing detail and emphasizing certain aspects of the film. e.g reactions, emotions - fear and anger, knife
  • Gender roles - Who’s more dominant?: Our male lead will start off as the ‘weakest link’. Bossed around by his girlfriend, he is made to feel small. She abuses him emotionally and being fed up, he turns the abuse to physical.
  • Night setting and low key lighting: Most thriller films are filmed in dark settings. We decided to have our film set during the night to emphasizes a type of lurking darkness. In one way, it refers not only to the encompassing darkness surrounding the two ‘lovers’ but the darkness that is building up inside Michael, our male lead.
  • Monologue: Many thriller openings incorporate diegetic sound in the form of a voice over. It is usually separate from the story. A narration or back story of what is happened. We have decided to use it in the form of an internal monologue. We wanted to create a certain vibe that alludes to the insanity of Michael.
  • Open setting: Our open setting in the middle of our sequence diverts from the typical opening sequences of thriller films. A lot of the time, thriller film openings will show confinement and lack of space as if the character has no other options. Ours instead is in an open space which will leave our audience in a state of ambiguity.
  • Quick cuts: In a majority of Thriller films, the antagonist of the fim is often only seen for a few seconds and is separated with quick cuts. This is in attempt to hide their identities for later in the film. Our sequence will divert this convention as both our protagonist and antagonist switch roles in the eyes of the audience and both are almost always in plain view.
  • High and low angle shots: High angle shots are used to make the object seem small. In the beginning of the sequence, we will have Michael in a series of high angle shots to make him look small and our final shot will be a low angle shot of him He will grow to become an overbearing tower.

Prop List
  • Knife
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Chopping Board
  • Nail polish bottle - top coat/water
  • Glasses - that can be broken
  • Plasters

Practicalities of Filming
Our idea is realistic in the sense that any relationship can have issues and sometimes the depth to which they extend is not externally visible until one of them snaps. Our film won’t include any out of the ordinary locations and have been scouted prior to filming to ensure our vision is realistic.

We will be filming at a classmate's house and a field/forest area that is behind the house.

During the scene where Michael is in the kitchen, he uses a knife. This is a health and safety issue because Michael has to cut vegetables and may cut himself. Another safety issue that we will face is during the shots filmed in the forest/field. There are a few holes in the ground that could be dangerous to the talent and we will ensure they are informed beforehand that they should tread carefully when walking through.

Our interior lighting will be ambient. The kitchen lights are helpful and put just enough light on the subject that we are filming. We took practice shots prior to filming to ensure our lighting would work on the filming day.

Our exterior lighting will be a little more difficult as we are filming at night. We have decided to use an LED camera attachment. We have chosen to use this light because any stronger lights would seem much too artificial. The LED is going to be fastened above the camera to keep it still and constant.

We also want to use a shoulder mount for specific shots. The shoulder mount will be helpful for steady shots as we follow Michael and Madeline through the kitchen as well as while they follow her through the field.

For Saturday there is a percentage chance of rain. We will definitely film our inside shots on time but the outside shots will be very weather dependant. If it rains too hard, we will not film but if there is little rain we will put a plastic bag over the camera and carry it under an umbrella. If Saturday night filming is cancelled, we will move the shooting to a Monday afternoon where there is a smaller percentage chance of rain.

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